Please reach us at if you can't find an answer to your question.
For an in-person appointment:
Call the New Victoria Hospital on 0208 131 9020.
Alternatively, visit the website of New Victoria Hospital to book online.
To book a video consultation, contact my Secretary: Nikola Svonja
E Mail:
Telephone: 0203 371 7858
Please note that if you are paying for your private care through the use of a health insurance policy, you may be required to obtain a GP referral first. The requirement will usually be listed in the terms and conditions of your policy.
We hold in-person clinics at the New Victoria hospital, 184 Coombe Lane W, Kingston-Upon-Thames, KT2, 7EG.
We recommend that you arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment so that you have time to find your way and be booked in by our friendly Patient Service Advisors.
For virtual appointments you will be e mailed a link to join a virtual consultation room. You will not need to download any software ahead of time. Please ensure that you are in a quiet, private space, and that your speakers or headphones are connected.
We may ask you to complete a short online health questionnaire ahead of your appointment. We are fully GDPR compliant and you may view our privacy policy here.
You may find it helpful to wear loose comfortable clothing in case a physical examination is required. A chaperone may be provided for you during any physical examinations. Please ask for one at any time.
You may have your procedure in the state of the art facilities at the New Victoria hospital in Kingston-Upon-Thames.
It may be that you require some tests or scans before the procedure. If this is the case, we may offer you an appointment on the day of your clinic consultation or contact you afterwards to arrange an appointment.
How you pay for the procedure depends on whether you are paying for treatment yourself, or if you have health insurance:
If you are funding the treatment yourself, our secretary will make the relevant arrangements for you.
If you have insurance you would need to contact your provider to check that the treatment will be covered, and then share your policy number and pre-authorisation code with us. We would then bill your insurer directly. There may be a small fee that you are required to pay yourself, this is known as a co-payment or excess. Details of any co-payments will be covered under the policy terms and conditions.
You can also enjoy timely quality private health care by paying for it directly. The New Victoria hospital offers competitive self-pay rates. The New Victoria hospital also offers 0% interest financing options to spread the cost of care over time.
We recommend that you abstain from smoking for at least 4 weeks prior to surgery, as smoking increases your risk of developing many complications such as chest or wound infections. Several different treatments are available from shops, pharmacies and on prescription to help you reduce withdrawal symptoms.
6 hours before your scheduled procedure time please stop eating or drinking anything except water. 2 hours prior to your scheduled procedure time please also stop drinking water.
If you are having an OGD, we would usually ask that you stop taking your proton pump inhibitor medications i.e. omeprazole or esomeprazole 48 hours prior to your appointment. If your symptoms are too severe to stop, then you may continue to take them. We will provide you with an information leaflet detailing these instructions.
Most other medications can be continued and this will be confirmed by the anaesthetist. Aspirin, blood thinners (warfarin, rivaroxiban) and insulin should be discussed prior to the procedure.
Upon arrival for surgery you will be registered by our Patient Service Advisors before being prepped for your procedure. A nurse will measure your vital signs such as respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure and temperature. If you have diabetes we will check your blood glucose (BM) as well.
You will be asked to change into a gown and offered compression stockings to wear. These stockings will help prevent blood clots forming in the veins in your legs.
You may also expect a visit from the anaesthetist and surgeon, who will explain what to expect, answer any questions and take final consent to proceed.
You will be asked to wait in the admissions lounge until it is time for your procedure.
You will have a cannula (a small plastic tube) inserted into your hand by the anaesthetist. This is minimally painful but please let us know if you might find this difficult. We will endeavour to make sure that you are comfortable and fully informed of everything that we are doing.
If you are having a general anaesthetic, your anaesthetist will place a mask over your nose and mouth and ask you to breathe normally while administering the anaesthesia. After this we will proceed with your surgery.
If you are having local or regional anaesthesia you will be awake or drowsy while the procedure proceeds, but the operative site will be shielded with drapes.
Once we have completed the procedure we will take you to the recovery bay, where a dedicated nurse will attend to you as you wake up from your anaesthesia or sedation. After this you will be taken to your hospital room and into the care of the ward team.
You may initially feel drowsy or nauseous but these are perfectly normal responses to general anaesthesia and/or sedation, and will wear off in a short space of time. You will be offered water and then food, and our ward team will take observations to ensure that you are recovering as expected.
We aim for the majority of elective patients to go home the same day if they are fit and well.
You will have a follow-up consultation 6-8 weeks after your procedure to check that you are recovering well. This may be an in-person appointment in the clinic, or a video consultation.
You must not drive, drink alcohol, operate machinery, or sign legal documents for 24 hours after your procedure if you were given sedation or general anaesthesia.
Before you resume driving we advise you to review your condition. If you feel comfortable to stay in the seated position while driving, be free of physical limitations caused by the surgery, and perform an emergency stop to safely control the car, then it is generally ok to drive.
Following abdominal surgery, we recommend that you avoid heavy lifting and carrying for a minimum of 6 weeks. After 6 weeks you may resume exercise. This is all subject to follow-up review to ensure that the surgical incision has healed well.
You may consider wearing an abdominal binder while you recover from hernia surgery to support your abdominal wall while it heals from the surgery. Please ask your surgeon about this. Abdominal binders may be purchased in pharmacies and online.
You will have a follow-up consultation 6-8 weeks after your procedure to check that you are recovering well. This will be an in-person appointment in the clinic, or by video or telephone.
If you have any questions before your follow-up appointment please e mail us at or call our secretary.
You will be advised by the surgeon as to the type of sutures used to close the skin and whether they need to be removed. All surgical wounds will be covered by water-proof dressings which can be removed after a week. You will be able to shower with the water-proof dressings.
If you are having an OGD, we would usually ask that you stop taking your proton pump inhibitor medications i.e. omeprazole or esomeprazole 48 hours prior to your appointment. If your symptoms are too severe to stop, then you may continue to take them. We will provide you with an information leaflet detailing these instructions.
6 hours before your scheduled prcedure time please stop eating or drinking anything except water. 2 hours prior to your scheduled procedure time please also stop drinking water.
After arriving to the hospital and having your vitals checked you will be asked to change into a gown and wait in the Endoscopy suite waiting room. You will have the opportunity to discuss the procedure with your surgeon and ask any related questions. When it is time for your OGD you will walk to the endoscopy suite.
If you have chosen to have sedation, you will have a cannula (a small plastic tube) inserted into your hand. This is minimally painful but please let us know if you might find this difficult. We will endeavour to make sure that you are comfortable and fully informed of everything that we are doing.
We want to hear from you about the quality of care you received. Your feedback will give us a better understanding of the experiences of our patients and will enable us to make improvements to our services.
If you have a suggestion, question, or complaint please e mail us at
We will send you a confirmation of receipt within one business day. We will then fully investigate the issue and respond to you within 15 business days. This timeframe will allow us to gather medical reports and other information that we may need. We will aim to resolve your complaint to the best of our ability. Patient satisfaction is our priority.
West London Surgeon is GDPR Compliant. Read about the steps we take to protect your privacy in our data privacy policy. View our privacy statement and learn more about the steps we take to protect your privacy.
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